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Welcome!  Thanks for stopping by Alison’s Allspice.  My name is Alison and this blog is my cooking outlet.  Spicy and Bold flavors are my favorites and I am a veggie lover!  I love to cook from scratch and be creativeTomatillos_5648 in the kitchen.  My passion is good tasting healthy food.  Making your food at home helps you to make your own choices about how it’s cooked and what goes into it.  I cook pescetarian at home so most recipes found here will be vegetarian or contain fish/seafood.

I try to lead a healthy lifestyle but don’t follow any set rules. I simply believe that moderation is the key.  My goal with this blog is to share things I’ve learned about cooking, making delicious meals at home, and trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. I  post tried and true recipes in a variety of styles for everyone to enjoy!

Check out my Recipes Index to view all the recipes posted to Alison’s Allspice.  Thanks!